Depending on the situation, it may be relevant to have a separate billing date from the subscription renewal date.
ProAbono allows for this.
Understanding the Concept of Periodicity
A period describes a time span delimited by a start date and an end date.
In ProAbono, when creating a subscription offer, it is possible to freely define the periodicity on which the renewal of each subscription will be based.
Examples: €200/month, €50/quarter, …
Understanding the Concept of Renewal
Renewal is a concept related to the subscription.
In ProAbono, a subscription is always created based on an offer. Therefore, it inherits all the parameters of the offer, including the periodicity.
When the period comes to an end, ProAbono proceeds with the renewal of the subscription. This operation calculates the fees associated with the renewal of the subscription.
These fees are passed to the client’s balance to be processed later during the billing step.
Example 1: A customer subscribes to a monthly offer on January 10th. The start date is recorded as January 10th. So, their subscription will be renewed on the 10th of every month.
Example 2: A customer subscribes to a semi-annual offer on January 10th. The start date is recorded as January 10th. So, their subscription will be renewed on the 10th every 6 months.
Understanding the Concept of Billing Date
When a customer subscribes to an offer, a subscription is started. ProAbono records the start date of the subscription and sets the customer’s next billing date.
By default, ProAbono uses the billing in arrears mechanism (the customer pays for their subscription at the beginning of the current period). This allows for billing the customer shortly after the start or renewal of the subscription.
For a paid offer, ProAbono configures the billing date based on the start date. More precisely, the billing date is equal to the start date + 6 hours.
Example 1: Classic Case
A customer subscribes to a paid offer with a monthly periodicity on January 10th. Their subscription starts on January 10th, and the billing date is recorded as January 10th.
The next billing date will be automatically scheduled for the 10th of each month. Here, the customer has a billing date positioned at the beginning of the period, functioning based on billing in arrears.
Example 2: Case with a Custom Mid-Month Billing Date
A customer subscribes to a paid offer with a monthly periodicity on January 10th. Their subscription starts on January 10th, and the billing date is customized to be recorded on January 25th.
The next billing date will be automatically scheduled for the 25th of each month. Here, the customer has a billing date positioned in the middle of the period.
Example 3: Case with a Custom End-of-Month Billing Date
A customer subscribes to a paid offer with a monthly periodicity on January 10th. Their subscription starts on January 10th, and the billing date is customized to be recorded on January 9th, the day before the renewal.
The next billing date will be automatically scheduled for the 9th of each month. Here, the customer has a billing date positioned at the end of the period, functioning based on billing in advance.
Example 4: Case with a Customized Billing Date during the Subscription
Modifying the Next Billing Date for a Short Duration
A customer subscribes to a paid offer with a monthly periodicity on January 10th. Their subscription starts on January 10th, and the billing date is recorded on January 10th.
However, the customer requests to modify this date afterward because they prefer to have billing in the middle of the month. It is possible to change the date during the life of the subscription.
The next billing date will now be automatically scheduled for the 25th of each month. Here, the customer has a billing date positioned in the middle of the period.
Modifying the Next Billing Date for a Long Duration
A customer subscribes to a paid offer with a monthly periodicity on January 10th. Their subscription starts on January 10th, and the billing date is recorded on January 10th.
The next billing date is modified to be recorded on June 25th. The next billing date will be automatically scheduled for the 25th of each month starting from June 25th.