If a subscription is suspended (temporarily interrupted), you can restart it at any time.
Once restarted, the subscription will return to the “Started” state. If the restart occurs after the end of the last operating period, a renewal of the subscription will be performed by ProAbono.
Use case:
An subscription is valid until November 1, 2021.
- If the restart occurs after November 1, 2021, a renewal will be performed by ProAbono.
- If the restart occurs before November 1, 2021, no renewal will be performed by ProAbono. The renewal will take place on the renewal date of December 1, 2022.
Note: If the subscription is currently suspended, you can also cancel the scheduled suspension in the same manner.
Attention! A terminate subscription cannot be restarted.
- You must already have a subscription in the suspended or suspension in progress state.
1) Go to the subscription details page.
- Click on “Subscribers” in the left menu.
- Select the subscription you want to restart.
2) Open the restart form.
Once on the subscription details page:
- Open the “Actions” menu.
- Click on the “Cancel suspension” button to stop the suspension at renewal.
- Click on the “Restart” button when the susbcription is already suspended.
3) Confirm the restart
If the restart incurs a charge, you can choose to bill it immediately, let ProAbono bill it during the next automatic billing or offer the restart fees
Further Steps
To restart a subscription via the API, please consult our dedicated documentation.