1) Go to the subscription to be modified.
- Click on “Subscribers” from the main menu.
- Search for the subscription from one of the pre-filtered lists or using the search bar.
2) Access the modification form
Once on the subscription page:
- Open the “Actions” menu.
- Click on the “Update” button.
3) Make the desired modifications
Once on the subscription editing form, scroll down to the “features” tile.
If you want to add a characteristic
- Click on the “+ Add” button.
- Then search for the desired characteristic.
- Click on one of the search results to access the configuration step for that characteristic.
Note: If the desired characteristic does not exist yet, you can also create it on the fly.
If you want to edit a characteristic
- Click on the “Edit” button (pencil icon)
You will then access the feature editing menu where you can make all the desired modifications.
For more information on editing a feature, click here
If you want to delete a characteristic
- Click on the cross.
4) Validate to confirm your modifications
Simply click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.
Attention: The modifications to the characteristics will only be applied once you have saved the entire subscription.