
You are not allowed to access the payment forms

If the message “You are not allowed to access the payment forms” is displayed on ProAbono’s hosted pages, this means that the customer has been...

How to anonymize Customers ?

Context Some of your customer‘s data, such as personal information (name, email, billing address, etc.), is considered personal data. ProAbono offers an Anonymization procedure to...

Coming deadlines

ProAbono does a lot in the background. To keep track of what happened, there is Recent Activity. To be aware of what will happend, we...

How to create a customer ?

Context If you have followed our recommendations by integrating the hosted pages into your website, new customers will be created automatically. However, you still have...

What are the 5 differences between SEPA direct debits and credit cards?

Differences between SEPA Direct Debit and Credit Card Payments There are significant differences between SEPA Direct Debit and credit card payments. Instead of opposing them,...

How to manage a customer with a non-automatic payment method ?

Context In order to automate processes, it is recommended to encourage your customers to use one of the following payment methods: Credit Card (CB) or...

How do I edit a customer?

Context When you have created or imported your first customers, you may need to modify certain information related to them. All customers informations can be...

How to manage the “right to forget” (GDPR)?

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, ProAbono provides you three main features: 1) Anonymization Allows you to quickly delete a client’s...

How do I remove a customer from the Grey List ?

Context A customer can be placed on the greylist when ProAbono detects multiple consecutive failures during the payment method registration process. This procedure aims to...

How do I delete a customer?

Context If you want to clean up your data, you have the option to delete a customer, but please note that you can only perform...

How to update payment information for a customer ?

Context The payment method is an essential element for smooth billing. We recommend prioritizing a payment method that allows for automated collections (credit card, SEPA...

How to update customer billing address ?

Context Billing-related data is crucial for proper invoice management. In case of input errors or if your customer changes their billing address, you need to...