Events related to customers
Name | Resource | Technical Code | Description |
Customer added | Customer | CustomerAdded | Sent when a new customer is added in ProAbono. |
Billing address updated | Customer | CustomerBillingAddressUpdated | Sent when a customer’s billing address is updated. |
Payment settings updated | Customer | CustomerSettingsPaymentUpdated | Sent when a customer’s payment method is updated. |
Billing succeeded | Customer | CustomerBillingSucceeded | Sent when a customer’s billing is successful. |
Billing failed | Customer | CustomerBillingFailed | Sent when a customer’s billing fails. |
Charging succeeded | Customer | CustomerChargingSucceeded | Sent when a customer’s charging is successful. |
Charging pending | Customer | CustomerChargingPending | Sent when a charging is pending. |
Charging failed | Customer | CustomerChargingFailed | Sent when a charging fails. |
Auto charging failed: no valid payment method | Customer | CustomerChargingAutoFailedNoPermission | Sent when an auto charging fails due to no valid payment method. |
Auto charging failed: no retry | Customer | CustomerChargingAutoFailedNoRetry | Sent when an auto charging fails and cannot be retried. |
Customer suspended | Customer | CustomerSuspended | Sent when a customer is suspended. This action cannot be performed by a customer, only through API or the back office. |
Customer enabled | Customer | CustomerEnabled | Sent when a customer is enabled. This action cannot be performed by a customer, only through API or the back office. |
Added to gray list | Customer | CustomerIsGreyListed | Sent when a customer is added to the gray list. This occurs after suspicious behavior is detected on payment forms displayed on hosted pages. |
Events related to subscriptions
Name | Resource | Technical Code | Description |
Subscription started | Subscription | SubscriptionStarted | Sent when a subscription starts. |
Subscription renewed | Subscription | SubscriptionRenewed | Sent when a subscription is automatically renewed. |
Subscription suspended by customer | Subscription | SubscriptionSuspendedCustomer | Sent when a subscription is suspended from API or back office. |
Subscription restarted by customer | Subscription | SubscriptionRestarted | Sent when a subscription is restarted. |
Subscription suspended (payment info missing) | Subscription | SubscriptionSuspendedPaymentInfoMissing | Sent when a paid subscription is suspended during the renewal process because the customer does not have a valid payment method (either no payment method at all or no valid payment method). If subscriptions should not stop based on this criterion, go to the payment configuration in Settings and modify the “Blocks renewals if customer has no payment method” parameter. |
Subscription suspended (payment due) | Subscription | SubscriptionSuspendedPaymentDue | Sent when a paid subscription is suspended during the renewal process due to exceeding the thresholds related to unpaid invoices. There are 2 limits: amount and duration. See the payment configuration in Settings. |
Subscription terminated at renewal | Subscription | SubscriptionTerminatedAtRenewal | Sent when a request for termination of a subscription is made. This request can be made through the API, the back office, or hosted pages (by the customer). |
Subscription terminated | Subscription | SubscriptionTerminated | Sent when a subscription is terminated. The subscription cannot be restarted. This is a final state. |
Subscription ended | Subscription | SubscriptionHistory | Sent when a subscription ends. The number of renewals for a subscription may be limited. For example: $20/month for 6 months. Thus, when a subscription reaches its renewal limit, it becomes inactive and ends. |
Subscription deleted | Subscription | SubscriptionDeleted | Sent when a subscription is deleted. This action cannot be performed by a customer, only through API or the back office. |
Subscription updated | Subscription | SubscriptionUpdated | Sent when a subscription is updated. It includes all updates to the subscription, except for feature and term date updates. See the “Subscription – term date updated” and “Subscription – features updated” events. |
Features updated | Subscription | SubscriptionFeaturesUpdated | Sent when a feature of the subscription is updated. |
Subscription started as upgrade | Subscription | SubscriptionUpgraded | Sent when a new subscription starts as part of an upgrade. During an upgrade, a new subscription starts and an old subscription is terminated. |
Subscription terminated for upgrade | Subscription | SubscriptionTerminatedForUpgrade | Sent when a subscription is terminated during an upgrade. During an upgrade, a new subscription starts and an old subscription is terminated. |
Date term updated | Subscription | SubscriptionDateTermUpdated | Sent when the term date of a subscription is updated. This action cannot be performed by a customer, only through API or the back office. |
Events related to invoices
Name | Resource | Technical Code | Description |
Invoice issued, auto payment scheduled | Invoice | InvoiceDebitIssuedPaymentAuto | Invoice – issued, auto payment scheduled Sent when an invoice is issued and its payment is automatic (credit card, SEPA mandate, etc.). |
Invoice issued, offline payment | Invoice | InvoiceDebitIssuedPaymentOffline | Sent when an invoice is issued and its payment is offline (bank transfer, check, cash, etc.). |
Invoice paid | Invoice | InvoiceDebitPaid | Sent when an invoice is paid. |
Invoice refunded | Invoice | InvoiceDebitRefunded | Sent when an invoice is refunded. A credit note is also issued. |
Invoice cancelled | Invoice | InvoiceDebitCancelled | Sent when an invoice is cancelled. A credit note is also issued. |
Auto payment failed | Invoice | InvoiceDebitPaymentAutoFailed | Sent when an invoice transitions to “auto payment failed” status. All attempts to automatically debit this invoice have failed. The customer must be contacted to settle the unpaid invoice. See the “Customer emails” section in Settings, ProAbono can automatically send an email to the customer. |
Auto payment rejected: payment authentication required | Invoice | InvoiceDebitPaymentAutoRequestedAuth | Sent when an auto payment is rejected and payment authentication is required. |
Invoice overdue | Invoice | InvoiceDebitOverdue | Sent when an invoice is overdue. 60 days after being issued, an unpaid invoice is considered “overdue”. |
Invoice disputed | Invoice | InvoiceDebitDisputed | Sent when an invoice is disputed. This can occur automatically or manually. Automatically when the payment gateway sends the information to ProAbono. Manually when the invoice is disputed via the API or back office. |
Invoice – uncollectible | Invoice | InvoiceDebitUncollectible | Sent when an invoice is marked as uncollectible |
Credit note issued | Credit note | InvoiceCreditIssued | Sent when a credit note is issued. This occurs when an invoice is cancelled or refunded. |
Events related to payment methods
Name | Resource | Technical Code | Description |
Payment method expiration approaching | Payment method | GatewayPermissionSoonExpired | Payment method – expiration approaching Sent when a customer’s payment method is about to expire. See the “Customer emails” section in Settings to avoid expiration, ProAbono can automatically send up to 3 emails to the customer: 30, 7, and 1 day before the expiration date. |
Payment method expired | Payment method | GatewayPermissionExpired | Sent when a customer’s payment method has expired. See the “Customer emails” section in Settings, ProAbono can automatically send an email to the customer. |
Defective payment method | Payment method | GatewayPermissionDefective | Sent when a payment method is defective. Defective means that ProAbono can no longer use this payment method (e.g., stolen or lost credit card, blocked card, invalid SEPA mandate, etc.). See the “Customer emails” section in Settings, ProAbono can automatically send an email to the customer. |
Insufficient funds | Payment method | GatewayPermissionInsufficientFunds | Sent when a debit fails due to “insufficient funds”. ProAbono will attempt to debit the customer again. See the “Customer emails” section in Settings, ProAbono can automatically send an email to the customer. |
Payment issues | Payment method | GatewayPermissionPaymentIssues | Sent when multiple payment issues occur with the same payment information for a customer. On the next failure, their payment method will be disabled. |
To learn more about what a webhook is and how to create one in ProAbono, please refer to the following article: