The “Subscriptions” page in the ProAbono customer portal allows customers to change their subscription. The action button redirects the customer to the dedicated offer presentation page for changing the subscription.
It is possible to retrieve the access link to this page through an API if you want to control access to the offer change.
Retrieve the link to the offer change page.
The page displays all the offers to which your customers can switch, including those listed in the visible offer grids of your catalog.
To display it, you need to retrieve the Hosted-Upgrade link through a request to the Subscription resource.
Example: Retrieve a Subscription
{ "Id": 44082, "IdSegment": 3, "IdOffer": 1274, "IdCustomer": 102547, "IdCustomerBuyer": 102547, "ReferenceSegment": "sandbox-eur", "ReferenceOffer": "full-premium", "ReferenceCustomer": "123456", "ReferenceCustomerBuyer": "123456", "StateSubscription": "Running", "DateStart": "2020-08-09T12:38:55.00Z", "DatePeriodStart": "2020-08-09T12:38:55.00Z", "DatePeriodEnd": "2020-08-23T12:38:55.00Z", "DateTerm": "2020-08-23T12:38:55.00Z", "StateSubscriptionAfterTerm": "Running", "IsTrial": true, "CountDaysTrial": 13, "IsEngaged": true, "IsCustomerBillable": true, "IsPaymentCappingReached": false, "DateNextBilling": "2020-08-30T20:36:53.00Z", "TitleLocalized": "Full Premium", "AmountUpFront": 59900, "DurationTrial": 14, "UnitTrial": "Day", "AmountRecurrence": 9900, "DurationRecurrence": 1, "UnitRecurrence": "Month", "CountRecurrences": 12, "CountMinRecurrences": 3, "Features": [ { "Id": 48, "ReferenceFeature": "users", "IsVisible": true, "TitleLocalized": "Active Users", "TypeFeature": "Limitation", "QuantityIncluded": 2, "QuantityCurrent": 2 }, { "Id": 49, "ReferenceFeature": "module-b", "IsVisible": true, "TitleLocalized": "Module B", "DescriptionLocalized": "This module is awesome. It revolutionizes your life.", "TypeFeature": "OnOff", "IsIncluded": true, "IsEnabled": true } ], "DateUpdate": "2020-08-09T12:38:53.76Z", "Links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "/v1/Subscription/44082" }, { "rel": "hosted-related-subscription", "href": "{Unique-Encrypted-URL1}" }, { "rel": "hosted-upgrade", "href": "{Unique-Encrypted-URL2}" } ] }